Mesh Smart Home Technology

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What is a Smart Home? We explain how technology can help

You want a smart home? You’ll have to wait a bit. But what you can have is a connected home, and all the benefits that will bring.

A smart home is still a bit of a myth. We’re mostly in the world of the connected home. 

Simply being connected doesn’t make your home smart. A washing machine with an app isn’t smart; no, a really smart washing machine is one that knows what to do with your washing - no matter what material, no matter how dirty - without you having to do any thinking beyond finding the ‘on’ button. THAT would be smart*. 

If we’re not fully in the world of the smart home yet, though, it doesn’t mean that the connected home doesn’t have real benefits. It’s quite well known that people who have a smart thermostat (so can turn their heating up or down from their phone), often adjust their heating a couple of time a day, compared to a couple of times a year when we all had those complicated rotary dials. .

Being connected brings three main benefits - 1) more ways, and places, to control your home; 2) the potential for simpler, more understandable ways to control your home; 3) and more information about what’s going on in your home, so you can do something with it.

Get in touch with us to find out more about what a connected home is and what it can do for you.

*Since we wrote this, we spotted Bosch have taken up the challenge and made a great start down this road. Read more here. Kudos to Bosch.